The Research and Reality of Abortion

This week’s guest is Rana Barar. She is a public health professional, a mom, and an avid traveler. She is the Project Director at Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) at the University of California, San Francisco. She oversaw several research studies, including the landmark Turnaway Study which is looking at the effects of abortion and its alternative – carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term – on women’s lives.

A Coach to Coach Conversation

This week guest is Kit Yoon. She’s a fellow Life Coach School coach and she helps her clients maintain a clear mind, a nourished body, and a connected spirit. Kit’s clients receive a tailored blend of coaching, hypnosis, EFT tapping, innervoice facilitation & intuitive eating support through her truly integrative and holistic practice.

Expanding What It Means To Love

This week’s guest is Karen C.L. Anderson, a master-certified life coach and author who has helped hundreds of smart, creative women use the difficult relationships they have with their mothers as a catalyst for growth. Karen recognizes that what is possible personally is what is possible collectively, and that “the Mother Wound” is not actually about mothers, but about systems that oppress all women.

Faith Based Healing After Abortion

This week’s guest is another magical woman in the field of helping women after abortion. “After thirteen years of dealing with the shame of life post-abortion, Latoya Mathews is on a mission to help other women who are ready to break free from shame, guilt, and regret of their past lives. Latoya is a beacon of hope and serves boldly as she unravels the pieces of pain for women and leads them to wholeness and freedom. “

Accepting Our Differences

This week’s guest is Dr. Melissa Bird. She’s a driven and dynamic force changing the world the world through public speaking, life coaching and writing. Her words say it all, “I believe in a new brand of advocacy where we humble ourselves to our shortcomings and engage in acts of graceful revolution that bring light to the true reality of people’s lives.”