Connecting with your Higher Self

Connecting with your Higher Self

This week’s completely amazing guest is Sarah Trapkus. She is a spiritual guide and fellow Life Coach. Sarah helps women overcome any challenge by teaching them the 4 keys to becoming the woman they've always imagined being.

Sarah’s website:

The Radical Mind Podcast:

This week's completely amazing guest is Sarah Trapkus. She is a spiritual guide and fellow Life Coach. Sarah helps women overcome any challenge by teaching them the 4 keys to becoming the woman they've always imagined being.

Show Notes:

  • 0:47 Kit Yoon Podcast episode

  • 1:18 Redwoods 

  • 1:46 “I’m a spiritual being in a human body and I got here by following my inner compass”

  • Sarah’s self-introduction

  • 2:26 “I help women who are often in leadership positions … remember their own truth… and expand into their higher selves so they don’t need to rely on anything outside themselves…”

  • 3:19 Moving into your next shift after abortion... abortion is this deep raw vulnerable transition that we move through and then we are born into this new version of ourselves

  • 4:17 Part of the stigma around abortion relates to feeling misunderstood (Sarah’s mentioned article)

  • 5:10 Using abortion to your advantage- It made me stronger; it made me more powerful… we have such an opportunity as women who’ve been through this to come out in ways we never dreamed possible.

  • 5:47 “Power is generated through choice”

  • 6:05 “Whether you choose to keep that physical form or and bring it into life or not; it’s the decision that you make that creates the power.”

  • 6:26 “You get to decide what’s true for your life, and I think as women we’re always conceiving. Whether it’s children, or ideas, or vision, it is just part of who we are to conceive.”

  • 7:25 “We get to use our free will to decide and make choices… oftentimes we are being guided by our higher self…”

  • 7:50 “Why do I make a choice to not bring forth this life, what else wants to be conceived?... There’s power in choice and deciding what that is.”

  • 8:23 The conception of the new you happens in the event of the abortion but the gestation could be any length of time before the new you is born.”

  • 9:29 There is no return to “normal.” Normal is the next evolution, the next expansion of normal.

  • 10:05 “No matter what, what pregnancy offers is an invitation into a new you.”

  • 10:20 “When you are carrying something, and you have no idea what it is… there is a letting go of how you think it’s supposed to be”

  • 11:30 “Really it’s about allowing the emotions that emerge, with a choice, and being willing to be uncomfortable, and asking… ‘what does it need?’”

  • 13:02 Believing you made the wrong choice from a desire to want to go back to who you were before you felt this pain

  • 14:00 “I want to undo my decision and I can’t, we’re really speaking to the fear that surfaces when we are about to expand into the next version of ourselves.”

  • 14:24 “...remember what our compelling reason was for making the decision in the first place”

  • 15:44 Not a lot of time for most people to slow down… take the time to go back to that moment when you knew what you had to do

  • 16:49 Fear of Success and Fear of power, Fear of Expansion

  • 17:10 We’re afraid of recognizing that we made a gigantically powerful decision for our lives

  • 18:10 “When we feel fear it’s a really awesome invitation to understand what power actually feels like in your body, and that it’s something you actually have control of”

  • 19:43 Even if our womb doesn’t create physical life… “as women make no mistake we still use that space in our body, it’s an energy source of power.”

  • 20:19 “Our will can only take us so far”

  • 20:43 “...sustainable, infinite, accessible energy where true creation emerges from”

  • 21:18 orgasm is an opportunity to feel that intensity- “How can you make power pleasurable?”

  • 21:55 “Let’s just surrender to our own divine right to be powerful”

  • 23:04 “we get to decide what’s right and wrong for ourselves”

  • 23:37 “I want to enjoy intimacy with you without being worried about getting pregnant”

  • 25:29 What could intimacy look like if we had more security.. And less burden

  • 26:52 “feel pleasure on purpose” “where do you conceive pleasure?” “where do you conceive power?” “where do you conceive misunderstanding?”

  • 27:40 “The reason we feel misunderstood from anyone is because we are carrying that within ourselves”

  • 28:35 Feeling misunderstood after abortion- what can one do

  • 29:07 “fear that we are not going to be loved anymore or fear that we are going to lose connection and not be able to share love”

  • 30:17 “honor the decision we made and remember the reason why… there was something else to conceive” 

  • 30:59 “What’s on the other side of those difficult emotions”

  • 32:32 it was my own need to defend myself that hurt, not their words, their words were just words

  • 33:55

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had an abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

The Research and Reality of Abortion

The Research and Reality of Abortion

Text Support Abortion Counseling

Text Support Abortion Counseling