Living Purposefully After Abortion

Living Purposefully After Abortion

I recorded this episode from my car as I was thinking about all of you and how this community is evolving and will continue to evolve. We can't see our own growth if we don't look back and reflect on it, and we don't really grow if we're not stepping into the unknown and taking chances with our voices.

Show Notes:

  • 0:44 What do I want the rest of the year to look like?

  • 2:47 Just go for it!

  • 2:55 Why did this abortion happen to me? What do I want to make it mean?What do I want to turn it in to?

  • 4:15 I keep visualizing this RISE… rising from the stigma, and the negativity, and the confusion, and the hiding...

  • 4:31 Here we are, we’ve had abortions, and NO, they we’re always easy but they were right, and we’re not gonna feel bad about that

  • 4:54 We get to be the next voice of the abortion movement

  • 5:18 ShoutYourAbortion, The Abortion Project, Exhale

  • 6:27 Instagram post about PURPOSE 

  • 7:19 I decided that I was going to make a purpose where there didn’t seem to be one

  • 8:06 I decided that there was PURPOSE in my experience

  • 8:44 I had this experience, what do I want to make it mean, what do with it?

  • 8:58 It (abortion) gave me a new voice to listen to, it gave me a new opportunity to create something

  • 10:04 What happens in a coaching session is very different than what happens in a podcast episode or a blog post

  • 12:27 Looking back and asking “What just happened?”

  • 14:02 What was the purpose of that unplanned pregnancy and termination in my life?

  • 14:38 Coming back into power in our lives, don’t give away our future to circumstances of our past

  • 15:27 What’s the next voice in the abortion conversation that we will grow together?

  • 16:00 What is it that you want me to create next? How can I be a voice with you?

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had an abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

A Lost Child, But Not My Own- A Reading

A Lost Child, But Not My Own- A Reading

Conversation with an Abortion Nurse

Conversation with an Abortion Nurse