A Coach to Coach Conversation

A Coach to Coach Conversation

This week guest is Kit Yoon. She’s a fellow Life Coach School coach and she helps her clients maintain a clear mind, a nourished body, and a connected spirit.  Kit’s clients receive a tailored blend of coaching, hypnosis, EFT tapping, innervoice facilitation & intuitive eating support through her truly integrative and holistic practice.

Follow Kit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kit_yoon

Explore her website: https://kityoon.com/

Listen to her podcast: https://kityoon.com/podcast/

This week guest is Kit Yoon. She's a fellow Life Coach School coach and she helps her clients maintain a clear mind, a nourished body, and a connected spirit. Kit's clients receive a tailored blend of coaching, hypnosis, EFT tapping, innervoice facilitation & intuitive eating support through her truly integrative and holistic practice.

Show Notes:

  • 1:49 My Introduction- I help people process their abortions

  • 2:32 Kit’s Introduction- “I help people feel better”

  • 10:34 “You can’t feel whole just focusing on one thing”

  • 12:00 Kits Pillars- mind, body, intuition
    Amanda’s Pillars- mind, body, spirit, space
    Which of your pillars need strengthening?

  • 15:46 Unlock your doors of creativity

  • 16:54 Don’t assume you know the answer, it will be different each time you ask. Trust that it’s ok that your truth is changing. 

  • 18:13 Retrospect is your greatest teacher

  • 19:11 Distinction between your wants and your knowing

  • 19:35 Chocolate cake and shame

  • 19:50 Dr. Shawn Horn- helpful and no helpful Shame, Episode 10

  • As I was listening to myself talk about my soul baby Grace I noticed a buzzing/tinging in my thighs, and googled to find this- “... thigh is symbolic for the abode of strength, a place of trust, a place that you rely on to stand & not to bend in shame.”

  • 23:23 Having your own back

  • 24:14 The gift of abortion for many of us is self-love

  • 25:17 What can I learn from this experience that brings more love into my life?

  • 26:05 There’s a trust and a faith that we don’t have to know all the reasons

  • 26:23 Facts vs. Story

  • 27:13 Is self-love selfish?

  • 29:08 Amanda’s favorite self-care exercise, taught to me by Meggie Winchell

  • 31:16 The Five Love Languages

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had an abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Sharing Your Abortion Story

Sharing Your Abortion Story

A Lost Child, But Not My Own- A Reading

A Lost Child, But Not My Own- A Reading