Exhale ProVoice Retreat

Exhale ProVoice Retreat

This conversation with Susan Chorley, Executive Director @exhale_provoice , was long overdue and arrived in perfect time with the launch of Exhale's first virtual retreat- Cultivating Reverence for Our Bodies and Our Abortion Experiences.

Exhale Website: https://exhaleprovoice.org/

Register to join: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cultivating-reverence-for-our-bodies-and-our-abortion-experiences

Melissa Nussbaum Freeman: Red Sage Stories

This conversation with Susan Chorley, Executive Director @exhale_provoice , was long overdue and arrived in perfect time with the launch of Exhale's first virtual retreat- Cultivating Reverence for Our Bodies and Our Abortion Experiences.

Mia Birdsong
Melissa Nussbaum Freeman
Linda Wells
Nancy Slamet
Susan Chorley
Ylisse Bess
M Rudder

This virtual retreat is for you if you:

1. Have had an abortion and want a space to tell your story and process your emotions.

2. You have a desire for community and connection with other people with similar experiences

3. You are curious about radical self-care and integrating it into your life more fully

4. You are worried about the future and want a space to be grounded amidst the chaos

5. You care deeply for the flourishing of all people, including yourself.

Program Components

Circles of Care: A space for you. To sink in. To settle. To remember and reflect. To feel. The weight of your experience, the silence that has long held you back, is lifted. Here, you are safe. Here you are seen. Here you are given the floor to share your truth and to weave all of the pieces of yourself together into a place of wholeness.

Practices: An invitation. An invocation. An opportunity for self-reverence. Today you may be awash in the busyness of life. The ‘must-haves . . . the to-do . . . the should.’ Through the weeks, we invite you to pause. To remember. To reclaim. Space for the wholeness of you. Each week we will introduce a new practice for you to engage with to support the exploration of your stories and yourself.

Reflective Prompts: Ground yourself in the act of writing or creating. Re-weave your experience. Cultivate a narrative that brings your voice to life and reflects clarity. Navigate the waters of emotions. Invite your inner knowing onto the page. Maybe it’s one sentence you write, maybe it’s fifty pages. Maybe it’s a scribble or an impromptu response by dancing. The process is yours to own and grow into, in whatever way allows you to make the invisible, visible.

Plenary Sessions: Our host and keynote speaker, Mia Birdsong will share her thinking of the power in community and our particular need for holding fast to one another during intensely chaotic times. The plenary sessions will also feature Q & A and a panel discussion on centering self-care from our healing practitioners and circle facilitators.

Celebration: We all need space to celebrate the wonder of our life and who we are. We will close our 6 weeks with a virtual DJ hosted dance party on Exhale’s Instagram page.

Roxanna (Rox) Curiel

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had an abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Text Support Abortion Counseling

Text Support Abortion Counseling

Sharing Your Abortion Story

Sharing Your Abortion Story