Forgiveness After Abortion

Forgiveness After Abortion

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Chris Hale is full time life coach and dance instructor, an educator and spiritual warrior. In his personal coaching practice, he’s helping the Queer Community live lives they really want through radical self-love. Chris is also one of my favorite people on the planet!

Visit Chris on Instagram: @theonly_chrishhale or on his website:

Show Notes:

  • 2:52 Chris’ introduction

  • 4:17 “I realized that the mind was the place to make the most change”

  • A Course in Miracles, Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay

  • 6:28 “holding super neutral space” “I don’t judge anything when you come to me with a problem”

  • What if there’s nothing to forgive?

  • Forgiveness is always accessible within

  • Disempowering to believe that our emotions are caused by other people

  • 12:22 “Forgiveness is giving up the hope the past could be any different.” -Oprah Winfrey

  • 13:20 “Forgiveness is always for you”

  • 15:29 “We make decisions based on so many things that are going on in our life.. We have to be able to forgive ourselves for being the person we were in that moment”

  • 16:52 The Model- Episode 30, Self Coaching After Abortion

  • 18:18 “Find a way to retell the story”

  • 21:57 Having our own back diminishes the need for forgiveness, “no matter what I decide I’m gonna have my own back”

  • Working with regret, not against it

  • 24:58 “Regret is just an emotion”

  • Every line of the model is neutral

  • What do we crave feeling after forgiveness? Acceptance, belonging, unconditional love, relief

  • 27:21 “primary emotion we want relief from would be guilt”

  • What do you believe about yourself that allows you to say “I’m sorry” so easy?

  • 30:48 “owning responsibility… without judgement”

  • Release the judgement and the forgiveness comes really naturally

  • We don’t do grief well

  • 36:20 “You can practice grieving in a way that you make it more accessible”

  • 37:03 “Realizing the feeling isn’t going to kill you” 

  • 38:03 “hone our skill for allowing emotion”

  • 39:46 “our thoughts are not moral”

  • “That opinion gets to exist in the world” “and it doesn’t have to mean anything about you”

  • 43:02 “Our peace is disturbed by our own resistance”

  • 43:25 “If you can let it be; it has no power”

  • @theonly_chrishale 


If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Your Relationships After Abortion

Your Relationships After Abortion

Termination for Medical Reasons

Termination for Medical Reasons