Your Relationships After Abortion

Your Relationships After Abortion

Dawn Ziegerer is a relationship coach. She helps women transform into their powerful selves and be in relationships they love. Through the power of influence she helps relationships thrive.

Visit Dawn’s website:

Show Notes:

  • 0:50 She Podcasts

  • 1:13 Dawn’s introduction

  • Make Baggage Your Bitch- working through your emotional baggage 

  • When we transform, that’s when everything changes

  • 3:22 “Of course you influence other people”

  • 4:31 Melanie Childers Bad Bitch Mastermind

  • Doing the best we can at the time.

  • 10:55 “It’s much better when you give your past self a hug”

  • Identifying as a damsel rather than a princess

  • 14:59 “I stayed for all of it, I was not in my princess power at all”

  • 18:30 Composing apology letters- “that’s where I can see whether I was a damsel or a princess” “me revealing myself to myself”

  • 24:15
    Damsel: hopeless, victim, suffering, waiting for the rescue
    Princess: powerful, beneleant, noble, integrity, authentically her
    Witch: conniving, manipulative, controlling, meanness

  • What kind of person do I want to be?

  • Damsel: He’s not here for me.
    Witch: I’m not here for him.
    Princess: I’m here for me.

  • “I’m in damsel in distress mode more than I want to be.”

  • I am all these things.

  • 35:00
    Damsel: I didn’t have a choice
    Princess: I did have a choice and that was the choice that I made

  • 36:27 “It’s really taking ownership for the decisions that you made, but looking at yourself with compassion and not beating the crap out of yourself for it”

  • Princess power can be in subtle shifts

  • 39:42 “you always have to be the first one to transform, and to set boundaries for example”

  • Use my power to not let that mean anything about me

  • 42:40 “What is true?” and what do I want?

  • 43:05 “I knew that  wasn’t doing anything wrong, but I let the doubt creep in”


  1. Podcast, Make Baggage Your Bitch- Now titled “Should I stay or Should I go?”

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Wholeness & Visibility After Abortion

Wholeness & Visibility After Abortion

Forgiveness After Abortion

Forgiveness After Abortion