Abortion and the Journey to Self-Worth

Abortion and the Journey to Self-Worth

Jessika Whitney

Jessika Whitney mentors coaches to grow their biz & make money with calm & confidence. She is also the host of the Totally Confident Podcast. She brings her personal abortion story and her years of wisdom to this episode.

Follow Jessika on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessikawhitney

Show Notes:

  • 1:17 Jessika’s introduction

  • 4:00 “What is true for me vs. societal pressure”

  • 5:54 “the whole spectrum of emotions”

  • Pros & Cons list “This isn’t how I want having a baby to feel”

  • 7:05 “Stepping into a deeper sense of self-worth” … “getting intimate with my own self-worth”

  • 8:16 “When I really sat down with myself”

  • 8:45 “I know what I can create if I take my own self-worth and put that at the forefront”

  • 10:57 “I know that I’m powerful enough and capable enough to be a woman who has children and has a business, and does all these things, and at the same time I didn’t want to have to flex my power in that way”

  • Can I “yes,” do I want to “no.”

  • 13:17 “It felt so joyful to make a decision that was serving myself powerfully for the first time in my life in this way”

  • 14:10 “It unlocked something for me… a new level of self-worth.. so making decisions got easier and easier and easier for me”

  • 14:42 “I finally had the courage, because I had the courage to stand for myself”

  • 15:03 “It was a huge breakthrough in what I felt worthy of having”

  • 16:53 “It was the thing that I decided would give me that power”

  • 18:38 “Because I had already done the work to allow that to be a possibility, when it became a real possibility it wasn’t as shocking. I had already given myself permission”

  • Abortion Happens. Have a plan.

  • What else do I want to do with that power? It showed me myself in a new way

  • My decision. My power.

  • 26:23 “It can feel scary because we have to take responsibility for the decision we make”

  • 27: 42 The decision to choose or not choose the procedure was as important as the decision to choose or not choose me afterwards.

  • 28:28 We haven’t had hundreds of years of decision making power, we are harnessing power that we weren’t trained as little girls to have.

  • 29:13 “I was able to notice that I was having these biological urges that wanted me to have a baby… I was able to notice the urge… and use my brain to decide”

  • Not in the highest good of everyone involved.

  • 31:54 “3 egg donations in my 20s”

  • 33:33 “I think I knew the whole time I would get an abortion, but I actually allowed myself time to be in the pregnancy and the decision”

  • 37:37 “When we try to make anything other than what it is, there’s a lot of resistance”

  • Instagram  @jessikawhitney

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Termination for Medical Reasons

Termination for Medical Reasons

Bringing Your Sexy Back

Bringing Your Sexy Back