Bringing Your Sexy Back

Bringing Your Sexy Back

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Danielle Savory is a master coach to high-achieving women ready to have better sex lives. She’s got the business, the young kiddos, a dog, a crazy life, and a 17 year monogamous relationship with her hubs – and despite all the “things,” her sex life is more loving and passionate than it has ever been. She’s ready to show more women the same!

Visit Danielle’s website:

Show Notes:

  • 3:18 Danielle’s Introduction

  • 9:16 “What we’re not paying attention to is the impact of us being a woman in this world, the psychological effects of it, the way that we've been wired in so many ways…We are consistently blocking ourselves”

  • The science is important, and you’re still in control

  • 12:12 “What we experience is how we’re relating to it”

  • 12:31 “We forget how much more impact we can have over our experience by the way we are relating to what has happened, and the way we’re relating to our bodies, and the way we’re relating to ourselves as a sexual being is going to catapult our desire and our experience of pleasure way more that we give credit for”

  • 14:35 “It safer for us to decoy by hanging out in the head”

  • 15:35 “The brain is all about distracting you from landing in your body”

  • 16:00 “There’s certain amounts of dissociation that have helped us heal, that have helped us move on”

  • 16:29 “we can use out thoughts for our benefit, or not… more shame and more harm, or more love and more connection”

  • 18:55 … “elevate into this observer position”

  •  19:57 “the brain’s like, grief, I don’t want to feel that shit”

  • 20:08 “Rewiring socialization, so pleasure can be accessible to us”

  • 21:07 “the way way that we’re taught about sex is to be desirable is for the pleasure of someone else”

  • 22:02 “We’re looking at the body with this constant critical eye”

  • 22:40 “Your thoughts are being the attacker and your body is the one being attacked… when we’re in this relationship pleasure isn’t possible”

  • 25:48 “We can take this one part at a time”

  • 27:20 “Pleasure is actually possible at any given moment… we don’t have to be totally healed”

  • 28:40 “All of our experiences are multifaceted and multi colored”

  • 29:24 “The body can have many different experiences of sensation at any given moment… we don’t have to wait to experience pleasure”

  • What else can I experience?

  • 31:00 “What’s already here?”... “marinate in the sensations of the body”

  • 33:00 Buddhist statue story … “Chip away and let that golden turned on woman shine through”

  • 34:34 “When we learn how to come into the clean pain… we get to the core of it”

  • 35:34 “self compassion in conjunction with connecting with your body in a loving and nurturing way, is the way through”

  • Hand on your heart- just do it

  • 36:51 tone & slowing down “balm to your soul and to your body in the way you meet your hardness”

  • I don’t know how we’re gonna figure this out, but it’s time to rest.

  • 39:15 “really be on my own side”

  • @danielle.savory 

  • It’s My Pleasure- podcast

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