Find and Experience Daily Pleasure

Find and Experience Daily Pleasure

Amber specializes in teaching women to be comfortable as their most authentic selves in every space they enter through the revolutionary act of prioritizing their own pleasure. Amber is a double certified Life Coach and an International Amazon Best Selling author. Her mission is to help the liberation of Black people by healing their own lived traumas and prioritizing their own pleasure.

Learn more here:

This is part 1 of a 5 part series inspired by this post on instagram.

Show Notes:

  • “I help people feel as good as they look on paper”

  • “Pleasure is not a luxury; it’s a necessity… it’s how you get better; it’s how you heal”

  • “When you have an experience in your life that is hard to talk about….that makes you feel alone,  that’s the most opportune time to bring in pleasure”

  • “When we punish ourselves, they win”

  • Comparison, beating self up, lack of joy, questions our choices, replaying the past, restricting ourselves, shoulding ourselves

  • “to me” vs. “for me”

  • We decide and then we have to KEEP deciding

  • “As long as you have breath in your lungs and a beat in your heart you’re gonna have to make decisions; you’re gonna have to hard things”

  • “There is an element of accepting the journey”

  • Where am I now and what do I want from this life now? What does pleasure look like for me now?

  • “Focus on the reality you have because that’s the only one you have influence over”

  • “Keep asking why”

  • “I decided that I deserve to be happy now”

  • “It is not a moral defect to decide to end a pregnancy”

  • “Keeping a pregnancy does not make you morally righteous”

  • “When our brains take us to the past it can be: a trauma response, or buffering; it can also be a cop out”

  • “Who knows what the future holds but I get to enjoy the reality that I create”

  • “I get to decide everything”

  • Wanting the result bad enough to make it happen

  • “What are you getting from the illusion?”

  • Build a life that’s even better than your illusion

  • Notice the difference between easier and less work.

  • Finding gratitude vs. Finding pleasure

  • I have gratitude but I create pleasure

  • ….. Confession…. I lost my way in taking show notes but the end of this podcast is😍😍😍

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Give the Family You Have Copious Amounts of Love and Attention

Give the Family You Have Copious Amounts of Love and Attention

Abortion is a Pregnancy Loss

Abortion is a Pregnancy Loss