Abortion is a Pregnancy Loss

Abortion is a Pregnancy Loss

Shira Collings (she/they) is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Miscarriage and Bereavement Doula, and Certified Jewish Lifecycle Ceremonialist. She specializes in providing neurodiversity affirming, LGBTQ+ affirming, and fat affirming eating disorder therapy. Shira is passionate about creating space for experiences that are often invisibilized to be seen, recognized, and understood.

Learn more here: https://reclaimingritual.com

Show Notes:

  • afab- assigned female at birth

  • “Pregnancy loss has not been recognized as loss in general… that’s a women’s health issue”

  • “The embodied experience of pregnancy is really downplayed”

  • “We don’t recognize it as the embodied all consuming experience that it can be so the end of that is not seen as a big deal.”

  • Pressure to be grateful for access

  • “I don’t think any form of pregnancy loss was brought up in my masters training”

  • What changes would you like to see? “More training a standard part of the curriculum”

  • “I internalized it as failure” (pregnancy loss)

  • “Did this happen because I don’t deserve to be a parent? Am I not going to be a good parent? Am I not a functional adult and this is the universe trying to send me that signal?”

  • The choice to be child-free

  • Reducing gatekeeping and making higher education accessible to more people.

  • “Be a safe person… be there to help people feel seen and heard…”

  • “Ritual gives an opportunity for members of a support system to hear and see and recognize what your internal experience is”

  • Ritual- “making something visible”

  • Having an embodied action is an important part of ritual

  • Mikveh ro mark transformation - https://www.mayyimhayyim.org/

  • Personal post loss experiences: grief, self-blame, rumination, anxiety, minimizing medical interactions

  • The Retrievals - podcast

  • TMFR including all abortion 

  • Reach out to Shira for therapy

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

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