Becoming More of You

Becoming More of You

When we go through challenging/vulnerable times they often lead us into living bolder braver lives.

Show Notes:

  • Intuitive AF Retreats

  • Travel is naturally expansive

  • Pay attention to the shoulds

  • If it feels forced I’m not gonna do it

  • Listening to your body

  • Letting the desire to take action come back in

  • I do shit and I do a lot of shit pretty well

  • What is productivity to you?

  • Our energy always comes back

  • When we trust ourselves and stay focused on the vision the reward is powerful

  • I’m always gonna be me

  • The pendulum always swings back to who you are

  • I’m back and I’m more of me!

  • Have you been through a physical challenge that opened your life and world up?

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

The Real Value of Presence

The Real Value of Presence

Choosing Hysterectomy

Choosing Hysterectomy