The Real Value of Presence

The Real Value of Presence

I promise I don’t cry the whole episode… big thoughts and realizations in here about why presence is so valuable in our lives. Warning- there is also reference to the war in Israel and Palestine that started Oct 7 2023

Show Notes:

  • How do we make sense of the world and of being human?

  • “Grey” does not mean “okay”

  • the grey is love- in that love is humanity and in that humanity we are celebrating and we are suffering

  • Do not get swept up into the desire to choose

  • It is so human to celebrate and so human to suffer

  • The willingness to hold space for both

  • Neutral does not mean without opinion

  • As humans we’re all in this together

  • Our willingness to witness something together at the same time is a coming together, a connection

  • Presence has a different feeling for everyone- pain, gratitude… the real humanity is that we’re all FEELING together

  • After those moments of feeling we shift into thought and action

  • Life is about being in those moments together - being human together

  • We’re all just painfully human- flawed and beautiful and real

  • Be witness to how hard and awesome it is to be human- that’s presence

  • The value of allowing yourself a fantasy

  • How is every win, everyone’s win?

  • How is every loss, everyone’s loss?

  • There are moments where, no matter the outcome everyone is present at the same time

  • What we mean when we say I don’t know how to feel is I don’t know how to pick, because I’m feeling it all at the same time in this one moment.

  • Sometimes the answer is to not pick and hold it ALL

  • We don’t have to know we can feel into the presence of being with ourselves and with other humans who are all feeling at the same time

  • The WIN is the presence

  • We are in a call to be human together- we are all connected

  • We can see the value in being present in the most extreme moments

  • The more presence we can have the more purposeful our next actions will be

  • There’s a reckoning in what’s happening

  • Holding everything at the same time and being okay for even a moment

  • Witness the human experience in all it’s flavors so we can more forward more purposefully

  • We can move forward knowing that we can access presence anytime

  • In some moments presence is easier to access because we’re all doing it together

  • We get to be human together right now no matter what

  • Our willingness to be present is the connection we’re all longing for

  • Let is be grey- in the grey is love

  • Create space for your brain to take the reigns and navigate life

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