When Story Inspires

When Story Inspires

Before the Dobbs decision Verónica Cordonnier spent years at TeaFund helping Spanish speakers access abortion funding and other resources. Her own mother’s story inspired her desire to give back to this community of people in need of abortion care.

Learn more at:

Show Notes:

  • Helping Spanish speakers access abortion funding

  • The impact of Abortion story trauma on future parenting, specifically in an immigrant family

  • The contrast between Planned Parenthood in Texas and Oregon 

  • The impact of the Dobbs decision on organizations and people in abortion care

  • The assumptions we make about who need abortion care

  • “People are touched by story”

  • “When we are human to human connected it makes such a bigger difference”

  • Violation on the path to the United States, “on the way to a better life”

  • “Almost none of the people I talked to were less than 6 weeks along”

  • “Sometimes the wait to get into a clinic is a week or two”

  • As immigrants “we are taught to ignore our bodies because of the high cost of healthcare”

  • Where privilege sits that we don’t see as privilege

  • Accessing clinic care without childcare

  • With the closing of the clinics “Celebrating that I could do it for 5 years”

  • “I always knew that this was coming”

  • “It wasn’t until their rights were taken away…” “the hard pills to swallow” especially for white women

  • “Because I had processed those emotions, when the day came I was not surprised and I was always ready to keep fighting”

  • “We need to take care of ourselves longhaul style if we are going to be revolutionary people”

  • “Because my parents lived through a dictatorship, they are had to survive on the daily to get us out of that”

  • “Things get worse before they get better”

  • “Being willing to get out there with uncomfortable emotions”

  • “If in the moment I had made it about me, it wouldn’t have gotten done”

  • “Get out of our own way and we’re able to help so many more people”

  • “Taking care of yourself so that you can show up in your community”

  • “I am so privileged in that I was a wanted child”

  • @v___coach___v

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Ayurveda and Abortion

Ayurveda and Abortion

Decades of Shame and No Regret

Decades of Shame and No Regret