Ayurveda and Abortion
Sivani has spent the last 20 years diving into holistic approaches to relieve stress and pain in her body. Through Ayurveda principles she helps people find their own Inner Intelligence, and find peace where there once was chaos.
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Show Notes:
Āyurveda, meaning knowledge of life and longevity
The effort and the energy put into creating children in ancient culture
“There a lot that ignored regarding the overall sacrifice a woman makes to create life”
What does it mean to plan to have a family? Physically, spiritually, emotionally
“Perfection is not a part of human experience”
“Creating a life is no small thing”
“5000 years ago, the man really cherished the woman and embraced what she was doing as a service, not to just their family but to all of humanity… he valued what she was doing so highly… the whole culture was about embracing the fact that when a woman creates a baby she’s doing that for all of humanity”
Consciousness changes for humanity over time
Serenity prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
“We don’t have total control over what’s gonna happen but we can put more energy and effort into ‘what’s that gonna be’”
“People are so disconnected from their bodies and the warning signals”
Preparing the body for intended pregnancy <3
The way you digest food and absorb nutrients changes based on your fight or flight response
Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
“Step back and observe”
“There is no perfect choice or decision”
Learning to connect with your own inner intelligence
“Embracing the relationships that are not perfect…”
“... how perfect I see them as being”
“Be whoever you want to be… underlying that there is an intelligence”
Reclaim the womb space after pregnancy: oils, massage, binding, warm cooked foods
“Create or open yourself to the support around you”
As the group ponders and shifts our energy we all heal
Sometimes the not knowing is where the good stuff happens
The unknown is something to embrace