Understanding Our Politics and Our Rights

Understanding Our Politics and Our Rights

Dr. Melissa Bird is a Feminist, Author, Healer, and Coach. Her purpose in this world is to teach women how to step into their truth and quit playing small.

Learn more from Missy at: https://www.drmelissabird.com/

Show Notes:

  •  Human rights and how we start losing them in politics

  • “I was born and raised in Utah, but I’m okay”

  • “They are very well organized”

  • Title X programming

  • “It’s only been since Roe v Wade was originally decided that …” the bi-partisan republican democratic flip happened

  • “Our children are going to have to think long and hard about their reproductive decisions… there will be places in this country where you will be able to get abortions and birth control and places you can’t”

  • “This isn’t just about abortion… this is about the full spectrum of reproductive health decisions”

  • “Institutions of power have convinced us as women, as mothers, as human beings that it’s rude to talk about politics”

  • “We hesitate as middle and upper class women...” talk about it in private

  • “This is going to affect every human being in this country for the next 50 or 60 years if we don’t start paying attention”

  • “We have to start talking about our sons”... “we don’t even let them in the damn door”

  • (((And this is where we lovingly “argue” about who is responsible and how)))

  • “There is a majority of humanity that is right in the middle… that doesn’t understand… that was left to the wolves”

  • Compassion is in the middle

  • “Anti choice people win because they talk to each other”

  • “We allow ourselves to go to anger before we go to compassion”

  • “How can I have compassion and love for myself in this moment?”

  • @sistersong 

  • “We have been living in a world of…” divisive politics… patriarchal white supremacy

  • Pantsuit Politics

  • Start by understanding the branches of government

  • “Stop focusing on federal politics and start getting local”

  • “Introduce yourself to your elected officials” (they work for you)

  • “Look at each other as human beings having a human experience”... “mucking around in the grey messy middle”

  • “Look at reproductive politics like covid… just because it’s not happening in your backyard right now, doesn’t mean you are safe”

  • “Politics is not dirty”

  • “Oregon was founded as a whites only sanctuary”

  • “We have to not make assumptions about people’s access to resources”

  • “Understanding that not everybody is us”

  • “Oh I guess not everybody is me”

  • “We have got to stop making assumptions about our neighbors”

  • “When you want to criticize, try kindness instead”

  • Ask people about their stories be?

  • Misogyny harms us all

  • @birdgirl1001  

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

The Power Of Voice

The Power Of Voice

Embracing Our Humanity

Embracing Our Humanity