Processing Abortion Trauma and the Media

Processing Abortion Trauma and the Media

Sarah Yost is a Master Certified Coach. She is an emotional re-processing therapist and a FEELER. She helps business owners with erratic emotions get back to work.

Learn more at

Show Notes:

  • Sarah’s first episode on the podcast: Acceptance and Abortion

  • 1:47 Sarah’s introduction

  • Emotional Re-processing Therapy

  • Dissolving anxiety

  • The many layers of rejection surrounding abortion

  • 5:25 How people experience rejection- “workshopping your own experience”

  • 5:44 “Can I help you make sense of what’s happening inside of you?”

  • 6:47 “Rejection is actually a trauma point… trauma is stored energy”

  • 7:10 “... collective experience of having been rejected”

  • 7:34 “When your trauma button is pressed everything becomes distorted in your head… sometimes you feel really healed and sometimes you don’t”

  • 8:00 “the overturn of RvW is opening those buttons and people aren’t realizing it”

  • 9:09 “it’s important as we navigate the news that we’re able to separate our current and present anger”

  • 9:33 “it’s one thing to address the supreme court… and another to resolve 25 years ago trauma”

  • 12:11 “there are rooms inside of us and there is a hallway that leads there…” triggers happen in the hallway “the door has rejection written on it… your perceive rejection”

  • LISTEN here… it’s all so good!

  • 14:36 “if we can find the blame we can fix it and we never have to go in this room again”

  • 15:30 “shortening the distance between how long your are in the room and how much damage you cause”

  • 15:51 “the nature of rejection is that… for all humans the experience of rejection is like pain”

  • 18:32 “rejection seems like danger… there is real danger… nervous system activated… deactivate your nervous system… maybe this is my nervous system… get your brain back online… show your brain you are not in danger”

  • 20:43 patented breaststroke move “look you can take up space… it’s safe to move”

  • 22:25 “we don’t do the cognitive work when we’re in the room”

  • When we are the one rejecting…

  • 28:40 “you’re actually not rejectable”

  • 29:11 “you can’t be rejected”

  • 30:05 “could this be true… that it’s actually about them and not you… their just hitting your raw spots”

  • 33:13 Sarah’s personal experience with abortion

  • 35:12 “that soul is unrejectable

  • 36:51 “if you have any experience of helplessness… backed into a corner”

  • @youremotionscoach

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

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