Making good thoughts even better!
My three beautiful children are an infinite stream of life force. We're in a constant flow of giving and receiving.
Big, who is 13, took a friend to the Berkshire East mountain coaster yesterday. I'm treasuring the years while I'm still the driver, and decided to take little man on the ride to play at the mountain while the teens did their thing.
In one of the last summer dress days of the season, I found myself climbing through trees and crawling through tubes, while he discovered just how brave and strong he is. He literally ended the course, shoulders held high, exclaiming "I am strong" and "I am brave".
My Big came off the mountain coaster beaming with joy. It had been on her bucket list for a long time and she earned the money herself, arranged to bring a friend, and enjoyed the ride. (No picture, because... 13... end of story.)
Soaking up the sunshine with two happy kids in outdoor adventure, while Daddy, Middle, and Dog went for a hike... I can't think of a more perfect day.
BUT, that's where The Model comes into play.