Card Reading for Abortion Healing

Card Reading for Abortion Healing

In this episode I’ll be chatting with Erinn. Like me, she's a mama who chose abortion, and she is also headed into Life Coaching to support women in their healing. She brings the special gift of reading cards to her clients. We talk about what reading cards means and how it can be used to support women after abortion. She also gives a special reading for us all at the end.

You can reach Erinn Fofana through Instagram @11evolved_love or email her at

In every episode I read a blog post I’ve written and we follow up with a conversation about the topic at hand and what it means for women and their ability to thrive after abortion. Happy listening and as always feel free to send me your reflections and questions at the PodBlog page on my website.

In this episode I'll be chatting with Erinn. Like me, a mama who chose abortion, she is also headed into Life Coaching to support women in their healing and she brings her special gift of reading cards to her clients. We talk about what reading cards means and how it can be used to support women after abortion.

The post:

Before, during, and after my abortion I found peace in that which I could not see, hear, or touch. I needed to believe in something bigger than my humanity in order to cope with the scope of the experience I was having. Abortion was a decision much bigger than any I’d made before and I knew that ultimately I was the only one who could make it. I also knew that I was in complete control of my healing after the procedure was complete.

The weight of that responsibility took my breath away, but only when I let it. 

One of the tools that kept me present and grounded was leaning into spirituality. I don’t, nor have I ever, been a part of an organized religion, but my spirituality is strong. I have a deep knowing that this human experience is a fraction of what’s out there. There are bigger energies at play around and within us. They are always there,  whether we choose to connect with them or not.

My own spirituality is still a mystery to me.
I can’t define it, 

and I don’t preach it.
My connection to it comes from multiple sources,
and I’m grateful everyday I have it.

When I connected with Spirit before, during and after my abortion my thoughts changed from:
“I feel so alone.” to “I am held and supported.”
“This is so hard.” to “I can do hard things.”
“No one understands.”to “No one needs to understand.”

Loneliness and isolation released their grip and I could breathe again.
The relief was tangible, and gave me room to heal forward.

One of my favorite ways to connect with spirit is to pull cards.

I don’t read Tarot myself, but I often lean into oracle, angel, or inspirational cards to guide me along my journey. One of the reasons I love pulling cards so much is that no matter what I pull, it calls my brain to come back to center. It pulls me away from the external chaos and invites me to reflect inward. I think there’s a fine line between source and center, and I’m  never quite sure if my card inspired awareness comes directly from Spirit or from my heart center. That’s probably because they are one in the same.

What I do know is the value of using card inspiration to heal and grow forward.

Some of the most common questions I ask before pulling a card, are:
“What do I need to remember right now?”
“What will serve me moving forward?”
“How can I be guided?”

After abortion there was a steady dance of in and out, here and there, spinning and centered. The more tools I had to get grounded the better. Connecting to the Spirit within and around me, gave me reason to believe, and to remember, that my abortion, as hard as it felt at times was also spiritually guided. I didn’t make this choice alone and I didn’t have to heal alone. Isolation wasn’t an option when I remembered the truth of my connection to Spirit. 

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