Documenting and Supporting Medical Abortion

Documenting and Supporting Medical Abortion

This week’s guests come straight from The Abortion Project, where they support and advocate for all pregnancy outcomes. Sarah and Heather are Full Spectrum Doulas, trained to support people before, during and after their abortions. They offer respectful communication, education on all options, emotional support, help with physical comfort measures, and discretion.

Website: , to support their project be sure to explore and purchase their beautiful merchandise.

Instagram account: @theabortionproject

In every episode of this podcast I read a blog post I’ve written and we follow up with a conversation about the topic at hand and what it means for women and their ability to thrive after abortion. Happy listening and as always feel free to send me your reflections and questions.

This week's guests come straight from The Abortion Project, where they support and advocate for all pregnancy outcomes. Sarah and Heather are Full Spectrum Doulas, trained to support people before, during and after their abortions. They offer respectful communication, education on all options, emotional support, help with physical comfort measures, and discretion.

Show notes: 

  • 2:02
    Introduction to The Abortion Project- what it includes and how it originated

  • 4:04
    What is a Full Spectrum Doula?

  • 7:24
    Working in a partnership

  • 9:52
    What does Abortion Project Support looks and feel like

  • 11:28
    Heather’s personal experience

  • 17:27
    The start of a medical abortion

  • 20:16
    The different experiences of medical abortion

  • 20:53
    The Abortion Project Vision

  • 23:33
    The abortion care project

  • 28:48
    Closing thoughts and access to the amazing project merchandise

The post:

This post usually gets published at 6am on Monday morning. I got the audio out about 30 minutes ago, and it’s now 8:20pm.

I just went three years back into my photos. Three years ago I had my abortion. Today I’m grateful that I documented some of the journey in the week it all happened.

There’s a pressure and a fullness in my heart. I can feel the tears just behind my eyes ready to escape, but I’m not sure I’m ready to let them. Not tonight…

I even screen-shotted text threads… Hard to read but I’m so glad I have them.

These are in no particular order and between me and many different people whom I love and cherish.

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had an abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Fertility Awareness After Abortion

Fertility Awareness After Abortion

Having More Than One Abortion

Having More Than One Abortion