Saying "Yes" to Abortion

Saying "Yes" to Abortion

Thank you to Morgan R. for being a guest on this episode. Morgan is a past client of mine who I continue to explore and celebrate this work with. She remains ever thoughtful, genuine, and inspiring in her journey to self-love.

In every episode I read a blog post I’ve written and we follow up with a conversation about the topic at hand and what it means for women and their ability to thrive after abortion. Happy listening and as always feel free to send me your reflections and questions at the PodBlog page on my website.

(I apologize for the sound quality on this podcast; learning and growing)

Hosted by Certified Life Coach Amanda Kingsley this podcast is a series of conversations about abortion with an intention to: LIGHTen the load women carry, LIGHTen the stigma culture has created, help women tap into inner LIGHT and strength, shed some LIGHT where there is darkness, and put a spotLIGHT on an important women's health reality.

The post:

The foundation of the coaching work I do with women after abortion ties back to one powerful moment in their story- 

the moment they said “yes”. 

Women don’t say “yes” to abortion because they love medical offices, walking through protestors, or bleeding for weeks. They say “yes” because there’s a life in their vision that doesn’t include this pregnancy. Planned or unplanned, this pregnancy doesn’t fit into the future they desire.

In that moment, and for some it is fleeting, women stand in their power, they tap into strength and clarity unlike any they’ve experienced elsewhere. This is the moment when they say “yes” to themselves in a way that even they believed they never could.

Abortion pursues. 

And then they panic. 

It’s not until after the procedure that they see and feel the power of their decision. A decision so strong and so solid that it can’t be undone. In a world that’s told them as women, time and time again:

“stay small”

they are now faced with the result of their action. In this moment they are faced with the reality that in saying “no” to the life of their unborn baby, they have said “yes” to themselves in a way that feels unimaginable: big, powerful, self-serving...

The questions come flooding in:

Are they worthy?

Are they selfish?

Are they wrong?

Can they live up to this gigantic decision they’ve made?

Now what?

Leaning into their truth, they’ve said “yes” to a vision only they could see and feel from within. In that moment, they had to believe in themselves so strongly that outside influence took a back seat to inner knowing, but then what. Who are they in a world outside that powerful decision? Who are they when faced with their own powerful truth? Truths like:

“This isn’t the life you planned for.”

“This isn’t the time for a baby.”
“You’re meant for more.” 

“This pregnancy wasn’t meant to birth a baby; it was meant to birth you.”

For the women I work with abortion is not an easy decision, but it’s a “right” decision. Not right by anyone’s standards, but their own. The right decision for the situation they were in at the time they had to make it. 

  • Abortion is the door they have to walk through to step into their future selves.

  • Their babies came to teach them how to unconditionally love and accept themselves. 

  • Their babies gifted them an opportunity to birth a new life. 

  • Their babies are still present, flesh and blood is circumstantial, their souls live on, they served their beautiful and perfect purpose.

Women who choose abortion are not weak, they are powerful beyond measure and any pain and suffering after their procedure comes not from a fault in their decision, but from a lack of commitment to their own power. 

If you’re a woman who’s had an abortion I encourage you to ask yourself:

  • Who were you when you made the decision to abort? 

  • What was happening in that one powerful moment when you knew your answer was “yes”?

  • How was that decision in the interest of a life you desired to create?

  • How will you honor that pregnancy, and the powerful woman within who knew that it was not meant to come to term?

Self-Confidence After Abortion

Self-Confidence After Abortion

It's Time To Talk About Abortion

It's Time To Talk About Abortion