It's Time To Talk About Abortion

It's Time To Talk About Abortion

In March of 2017 I found myself pregnant, disappointed, and scared. It led me to choosing a “thing I said I would never do”- abortion.

It wasn’t the first time I made a choice I never thought I’d never make and it wasn’t the last. This podcast episode is another thing I said I would never do. It is a launch pad for big, brave conversations about women’s health and the choice to abort.

It seems that the most powerful things in our lives are the things we least expect.

In March of 2017 I found myself pregnant, disappointed, and scared. It led me to choosing a "thing I said I would never do"- abortion. It wasn't the first time I made a choice I never thought I'd never make and it wasn't the last.

The Life Coach School Mastermind 2019
The Life Coach School Mastermind 2019

The Speech:

27 months ago, I did a thing I said I would never do, and then I named her. 

8 days after it happened I started reading Kate Northrop’s Money a love story, and I cracked open a new journal. The first page of that journal reads:

My money love story:

“I had an abortion so I can become a multi millionaire and change our family money story.”

After the words landed on paper I felt exhilarated and awed. I don’t know where it came from. Making money was definitely not one of the conscious factors in my decision making, but there it was all laid out in black ink. 

Then came the shame, and the doubt. I flooded my brain with reasons that I was a terrible person who surely could not make that kind of money.

But somehow, despite this madness in my head, I had faith. There was a belief in me that kept floating to the surface, “This happened for a reason.” She came here for a reason. 

That’s when I named her. G-R-A-C-E


  • simple elegance 

  • a divinely given blessing

  • to honor

And so it is. Her name is GRACE and she is the thing I thought I’d never do. She is simply elegant and a divinely given blessing, I honor her with this work.

It wasn’t until after certification that I realized.

I had an abortion so I can become a multi millionaire as a Life coach school coach. I will change our family money story. Coaching is my tool, abortion was my calling.

Baby Grace still whispers.

She nudges me when I get off track.

She wakes me up when I lose hope.

She keeps whispering,

And sometimes it feel scary,

But I keep listening.

I owe her that.

I owe myself that.

Today she wants to know:

What’s the thing you said you would never do,
and what will you name her?

Saying "Yes" to Abortion

Saying "Yes" to Abortion

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