Spiritual Fertility After Abortion
Our guest today is Fertility Intuitive and Medical Medium Elaine Lopez-Bogard. She connects parents to the high vibrational beings who wish to incarnate upon the planet.
The best place to learn more at Elaine: https://www.instagram.com/elainelopezbogard
or at her website Healing the Womb.com
In every episode of this podcast I read a blog post I’ve written and we follow up with a conversation about the topic at hand and what it means for women and their ability to thrive after abortion. Happy listening and as always feel free to send me your reflections and questions.
Show notes:
Who is Elaine?6:54
What Elaine is seeing in her client’s with unexplained fertility7:37
Mention of the Spirit Baby reading I had with Emily Davis9:06
“Women that have chosen termination so often can’t talk about it or don’t feel comfortable talking about. All the emotions related to that get pushed down and pushed aside and as those layers go deeper and deeper it affects our physical body.”10:27 Some common fertility problems Elaine sees in her practice
The unknown impacts of infertility13:56
“Creating harmony in the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies and that is when conception can happen.”14:09
Medical Intuitive15:05
“What you think you need isn’t always what you need…”16:23
Elaine’s success rate in supporting pregnancy17:04
The soul to soul connection that heals through love18:29
The kinds of information Elaine can get from soul connections20:02
The opportunity to mother ourselves21:25
How a pre-pregnancy soul connection affects infancy, postpartum, and parenting22:55
The most common message from Spirit Babies