Privacy, Personal Power, and Patriarchy

Privacy, Personal Power, and Patriarchy

Laurel Holland helps people looking for change in their life discover the clarity, truth, and courage by learning the transformational practices of the Inner Power Wheel.

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Show Notes:

  • Amber Lilyestrom

  • 3:37 Laurel’s intro

  • 6:03 Laurel’s abortion story

  • 7:03 “That wasn’t the vision I had for myself or my life”

  • 8:05 “Having that decision taken away from us is a form of oppression”

  • 8:38 “Healing from oppression is a very personal, individual experience, but we often need others who have gone before us in that process to help us come forward and figure out how to do it, because oftentimes it’s internalized oppression which we don’t even know is there”

  • 9:11 “The signs of oppression that have been swept under the table and ignored for so long are finally being brought out into the open more and more. The more we speak into them the more opportunity we have to heal as a culture, as a country, as a global humanity, and particularly as women.”

  • 10:18 “Internalized oppression is basically our consciousness is not connected to the way we either self-oppress or are being oppressed by others”

  • 11:00 “for women we are not trained to see each others strengths… to lift one another up… it’a a way we are kept down, we keep one another down”

  • 11:55 “centuries of patriarchy that we’re trying to move beyond”

  • 12:25 “we don’t even recognize the ways that we bought into the patriarchy… groomed to overwork, overproduce, deny our feelings ”

  • 18:43 “the dogma of a lot of the religion… has a lot of oppressed language in it and it’s acceptable”

  • 22:44 “Take the focus off of taking care of other people… and putting that attention on your own personal liberation and supporting others that want to do the work of their liberation”

  • Being a reflective pool

  • 25:12 “as soon as anybody’s triggered in any situation from some emotional wound that they have there’s nothing productive usually that happens”

  • How do we invite men to the table well?

  • 29:29 “These are very complicated issues… and people have a real temptation to simplify them”

  • 32:39 “your reasons matter, why should you settle for something less than the life that you really want?”

  • The stripping away of personal power

  • 34:39 “Why should anybody be entitled to my private story unless I want to give it?”

  • 34:48 “Women taking on shame for what men do, men’s choices, is to me the epitome of patriarchy and oppression”

  • Chanel Miller- Know My Name

  • 35:54 “That’s where we get our personal power back”

  • External power vs. Internal power

  • What I want is enough, and valid, and worthy of going after

  • Our power is in what we want

  • External influence- create change by being

  • Honoring Your Abortion

  • 41:00 “How are you using your personal power, and how are you dissolving it?”

  • Who has your power?

  • Psychological development of women

  • 42:27 “When our relationships get threatened or we think they’re threatened, we see it as a reflection of our own self being threatened”

  • “Your relationships can’t be a place where you look for survival”

  • The ultimate independence is coming into a relationship whole

  • College students FERPA vs HIPPA

  • 46:04 “If you’re not voting you are abandoning your personal power”

Make this episode your coach by accessing the guide and listening to the companion episode.

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

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Motherhood, Business, and Investing in Your Future

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