Releasing Regret and Following Intuition

Releasing Regret and Following Intuition

Betsy coaches people with chronic pain or disease, and teach them to decrease their pain and heal their bodies. She’s combine the latest research in Neuroscience, 20 years experience as a Physical Therapist, and tools from The Life Coach School to help you understand and address your pain in a new way.

Learn more about Betsy and her work at:

Show Notes:

  •  2:17 Betsy’s introduction

  • John Sarto-Divided Mind

  • Joe Dispenza

  • The Secret- The Law of Attraction

  • 6:27 “Really coming into alignment with myself, and that included stopping people pleasing… I saw the connection with being in intergity with myself and my body feeling it’s best”

  • 8:02 “...thoughts that are creating pain, and one of the big one is regret”

  • Brook Castillo- stopping negative self-talk

  • 8:40 “I really would try to notice if I was learning anything from the past and I would look back and regret it, and I really wasn’t”

  • 10:50 “freeze is where you’re so overwhelmed… hopeless, helpless… don’t feel like there’s a way out”

  • Brainfog, fatigue, lethargy…

  • When do we use thought work and when do we use body work?

  • 13:33 “The thought work is a top down approach; if that’s not working you need to try a body up approach… each person is going to be different”

  • 15:02 “It may be different from one day to the next, the tools you use”

  • Zero balancing massage

  • Am I interested in what’s happening in my mind/body or am I resistant to it?

  • 17:18 Developing intuition with small things- sway test

  • 18:12 “I made that decision from a place of intuition so I know now that I can let it go… I know I was follwoing my intuition that day”

  • 19:35 “This or something better; something better’s gonna come; things always work out for me”

  • Look for the small examples so it’s easier to believe when the really crap things happen

  • Learning after abortion how out of touch with your body you may be

  • 28:34 Let it be a start forward

  • 29:57 “especially when trauma is involved memory is even less reliable”

  • What is my regret statement?

  • 30:56 “Intuitive decisions… don’t always feel good”

  • 31:26 “I can have a yes and still have fear… concern… I have a human brain”

  • 31:58 “hear that chatter as just chatter when it comes up… so much fear even though it’s a yes for me”

  • Intuition is a knowing and sometimes knowing doesn’t feel good

  • Truth doesn’t always feel good and intuition is tapping into truth

  • 32:50 “Truth will lead you to do things to grow and evolve”

  • It would have been easier to keep that pregnancy

  • 35:21 “when you can connect to your intuition it’s like plugging in a vacuum to vacuum the floor versus just runnig it all over the floor… instead of resisting so much you start going with the flow more and allowing”

  • Our goal is not to control but to be aware; aware and not freaked out

  • @bodyandmindlifecoach

  • Podcast- Unstoppable Body and Mind

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Defying the Patriarchy with Attention to Care

Defying the Patriarchy with Attention to Care

Healing Self-Abandonment After Abortion

Healing Self-Abandonment After Abortion