Re-engaging After Abortion

Re-engaging After Abortion

Dr. Solomon is a licensed clinical psychologist, leadership coach, and founder of Galia Collaborative. She helps girls and women know and grow their power. She specializes in eating, fertility, anxiety, and career issues.

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Show Notes:

  •  “Elevating impact through modern mental health”

  • 4:01 Ashley’s intro

  • 7:30 “My vision is for the greater world that we get the voices of women and children back”

  • How do you know it’s time to come out of the cocoon?

  • 10:34 our connection to the natural world

  • 11:07 “Our modern day predators are our email inboxes, our bosses, an invitation to the next baby shower…”

  • 12: 03 “we are social beings, we are communal creatures… natural instinct to re-engage”

  • 12:54 “We’ve gotten so good at suppressing our natural inclinations”

  • 13:20 “What does rengaging look like? What feels nourishing?”

  • It’s an intuitive process, but so many of us are detached from our intuition

  • I should re-engage vs. I’m ready to re-engage

  • 15:12 “I think with any shoulds… think about who’s voice is that?”

  • 16:08 “We are all made of parts… What part of you is projecting the should?”

  • 17:05 “Even the should has a good intention”

  • 18:57 “Whenever I hear I have to… I always start by questioning it… “have to” is built on an assumption”

  • 20:22 “If I wasn’t holding this to be absolute, what else could be true?”

  • 21:40 “When we are in it, we’re not necessarily able to think creatively”

  • Thought partners

  • 23:12 Start with the WHY and there are infinite possibilities for the HOW

  • How does my reproductive body relate to someone else’s reproductive body?

  • 26:30 “The actual practice of self-compassion is so profound…”

  • 3 parts: being mindfully aware (paying attention on purpose), normalizing the experience (knowing other people have been through this/felt this way), showing ourselves kindness

  • The value of community- “thrive circles… community itself is the healing agent”

  • Your community doesn’t have to be physically present

  • Look for therapist who are explicit about their views

  • @galiacollaborative

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

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