Exploring Buddhism and Abortion

Exploring Buddhism and Abortion

Ana Verzone facilitates an adventurous, freedom-seeking and wild tribe. She helps rebels start creating the life they were meant to live and build resilience with a mission statement to guide them, and a tribe to support them.

Learn more at: https://www.anaverzone.com/

Show Notes:

  • Take a moment to be in AWE

  • The Rebel Buddhist podcast

  • 2:20 Ana’s intro

  • 2:29 “Buddhism started with a rebellious dude who went out of the social norms and found his own path”

  • You can always retell redefine your story

  • 6:33 “SO many women have a fear - will something happen to me because I’ve had an abortion”

  • Be curious about it all!

  • 8:48 Ana’a abortion story (as a teen- raised Catholic)

  • 10:56 Thou shalt not kill “What does this mean about me?” “I was making this not a life to feel safe…”

  • 12:37 “I had to make a decision to end this life… I was my family’s ticket out”

  • 13:40 “When I acknowledged that I made a hard decision, that I was sad about that decision… it brings me to tears even now”

  • 14:16 “the common humanity… so many women in the world have had to make this decision”

  • 15:02 “That happened and you’re not a bad person”

  • “What are we gonna do to make amends”

  • 15:55 “How can I give back to the world in a way that helps other women”

  • 16:42 “I think there's misconception that people use it as a form of birth control or that it’s no big deal”

  • 19:36 “What are we gonna do with that, what story are we now gonna create from that? How does that shape you going forward?

  • When we talk about the spirit of the “babies” in our lives

  • 25:21 “What is true? We decide…” “What served me best?” “Now what is true for me?” “What is available for me here?”

  • How do we define kill?

  • Relative reality and Ultimate reality, both realities can exist

  • Spiritual bypassing

  • Braiding Sweetgrass

  • 33:53 “The intention is important even if the end result is the same”

  • Amends - Forgiveness

  • 36:50 “What is the ceremony that can close this?”

  • I want to turn this into something vs. I have to turn this into something

  • 40:15 “I helped thousands of women have a different discussion”

  • 41:24 “What are we going to do with this experience and how can it transform?”

  • 43:10 “Now is the time to do this work so that when we do die there is no regret”

  • If it comes to me with clarity and urgency, it’s enough (wholesome urgency)45:41 

  • 45:41 “We all have our own path and there is no judgment”

  • www.anaverzone.com

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Abortion Stories, No Regret

Abortion Stories, No Regret

Generating Momentum After Grief

Generating Momentum After Grief