This work at home mama of three is processing all kinds of overwhelm these days, and I have a feeling I'm not the only one. Any parent in the swirl of summer school vacation is likely riding the waves of pure joy and complete chaos right now.
I have been talking with my clients a lot lately about the power of choosing our feelings. Overwhelm is one that's easy to indulge in, and a subtle language shift from, "I am overwhelmed" to "I am choosing overwhelm" is a game changer. It reminds me that I am in control and I can choose to stay overwhelmed or I can choose plan b. More often than not I choose plan b, which is to get organized. Whether I choose overwhelm or getting organized, I find it critical for my own sanity to recognize my choice in the matter.
This choice goes for all feelings. They don't just happen to us. We choose our feelings based on our thoughts and although we often have no control of our first thoughts, our second thoughts are always in our control.
There's no feeling that's off the table in this human experience. Every feeling has a time and a place and every feeling serves a purpose. When we consciously choose our thoughts and feelings we become the creator of our life, not the bystander or victim in it. Choosing sad when Grandma dies serves us in our grieving, but choosing sad when we aren't invited to a party welcomes lack of worthiness. There are no wrong choices, but the goal is to choose intentionally if you want to live a life you feel powerful in.
If you are ready to take back control of your feelings, but need some support, please reach out. I'm happy to help!