I am the life coach for people who’ve had abortions.
No matter where you are on your journey
I show you how to get where you want to go.

“If you’ve ever seen a poppy in its process of growth, you’ve observed just before blooming, the bud hangs its head – heavy with the promise of blossom. In fact, the cocooned bud seems to droop in somnolence, as if enchanted or perhaps the bud is pregnant with floral dreams.” ~Avia Venefica

“If you’ve ever seen a poppy in its process of growth, you’ve observed just before blooming, the bud hangs its head – heavy with the promise of blossom. In fact, the cocooned bud seems to droop in somnolence, as if enchanted or perhaps the bud is pregnant with floral dreams.” ~Avia Venefica


I help people process complex feelings
after abortions so they can access
the freedom they desire.

Research shows us that the number one thing people feel
after abortion is relief, but the complexity of that relief
is much deeper than the numbers will ever show.

Many, like myself, do in fact feel a great deal of relief.

We know that we made the right decisions,
but we find ourselves wandering, wondering, and questioning the
full array of feelings that can come after such a life changing decision.

My story was a journey through shock and grief,
to strength and freedom,
and I believe all of our stories, lifted together,

have the power to shift humanity.

Our empowered stories
are the empowered future:


Put my words in your back pocket
with a printable 8 page mini-zine:

Pocket abortion support

Life after abortion can be messy and you don’t know what direction you’re going.
Amanda Star Kingsley is more than a coach, she’s your GPS system!
She helps you navigate your own path to healing and ultimately thriving after abortion.
— Anonymous

What’s your journey?

Where are you now and where is it that you desire to be instead?

I can help

1:1 support is just a few clicks away


“Just wanted to reach out to say that I have really come to a place of healing around my abortion experience. Thank you so, so much for being one of my pillars of hope and healing.” - em


It’s time to build your beautiful new life:


Get Coached!

Life coaching helps you see, accept,
and take the necessary steps toward living your
best life after abortion.

The support of a coach is like safety net.
The coaching perspective is like a breath of fresh air.
And the life skills learned center you back in your life with ease, comfort, and resolution.

Coaching is your new beginning.

Amanda Kingsley Life Coach

Join the Podcast Community

One of my dearest friends and mentors taught me
that human beings are herd animals.
We’re not meant to experience life alone;
we’re better together.

The Full Spectrum Space is a place for us to share our reproductive experiences and grow together.

Follow me on social:

Abortion support at your fingertips.

We are the sum of the people and environments we surround ourselves with, let me be your people.

Let me breathe fresh air into your newsfeed.


We prove what’s possible when we show up
and share all of who we are.
Follow me on Instagram @amandastarkingsley:

Spreading the word

If you or someone you know is interested in having me write or speak for your audience,
send me an email at amandastarkingsley@gmail.com

One in four women will have an abortion in her lifetime and the more we talk about it, the less alone women and families will feel in their experiences. Abortion has and always will be a part of women’s reproductive health care. Let’s work together to strip down the stigma.

Listen and read more about my story and my work in
these FEATURED links.