Abortion Conversations with Men- Chris

Abortion Conversations with Men- Chris

This week we’re joined by Chris Menné. Chris left an established career as an airline pilot, and immersed himself in graduate studies of Psychology, Consciousness, and Spirituality, eventually receiving an MA in Transpersonal Psychology.

You can learn more about Chris’ relationship work HERE

This week we're joined by Chris Menné. Chris left an established career as an airline pilot, and immersed himself in graduate studies of Psychology, Consciousness, and Spirituality, eventually receiving an MA in Transpersonal Psychology.

Show Notes:

  • How do we show up and have conversations about hard things when we are the individuals with privilege?

  • Catherine Newman - writer, blogger, columnist

  • How I want men to show up in the abortion conversation

  • 11:18- “What’s the unexamined perspective, that men may have around abortion… where the curtain needs to be ripped back?"

  • 12:39- Inequality parallels between racism conversations and abortion conversations

  • 13:50 “What am I not seeing and what here is running the show?”

  • 14:12 Speaking to the possibility of pregnancy in all relationships

  • 15:19 Illuminating what we overlook

  • 16:50 First sexual relationship and pregnancy as a teen

  • 18:40 Getting comfortable with the elephants in the room

  • Exploring the calling to human beings to go deeper: breathe deeper, explore deeper, evolve and expand more

  • Lessons of Covid: Gratitude, Presence

  • Lessons after George Floyd’s murder: Listen, Feel, Adapt

  • Listen to the voices that haven’t been heard

  • 22:45 Breaking through the surface level

  • 23:50 “We’re in really new territory” … “If we try and think our way through it, it’s a really good start, but it will also be limiting”

  • 25:43 “Many times we have to be in the actual experience to know what we are gonna do”

  • “Experience without thinking”

  • 27:14 “In the moment I’m going to dedicate myself to showing up as much as I can”

  • 27:51 “Allow ourselves to be impacted; allow ourselves to have the experience”

  • 28:16 “What am I actually gonna do when I have to show up”

  • 29:36 “The human experience is a shared human experience”

  • The value of practicing “feeling” to be prepared when we need most to step up and rise

  • Our feelings ask us to go to a much deeper place then we live in the day to day

  • 34:20 “The illusion of control”

  • 35:47 “The forces that perpetuate racism and the threat against women’s reproductive justice is male fear; white male fear…”

  • 37:07 Chris’ conversations with other men about abortion

  • 39:39 On difficult subjects, in challenging conversations “pace, pace, and then challenge”

  • 42:00 Chris’ approach to parenting around sexual and reproductive health

  • 49:09 “If we’re willing to be uncomfortable over a period of time, our own wisdom will arise”

If you are one of the 1 in 4 women who have had an abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Christianity and Abortion

Christianity and Abortion

Conversation and Reflection After Abortion

Conversation and Reflection After Abortion