Doula of Words

Doula of Words

Yoda Olinyk is a writer, editor, poet, and abortion support worker. She currently provides "what she needed" after an abortion to folks in need of healing through the power of words and community. 

Learn more here:

Show Notes:

Hi Amanda, 

I know it's been a while since we've talked but I wanted to send you a message of gratitude. 

When we first talked (around this time last year) I was a shell of myself. I knew you saw my suffering and it honestly freaked me out a bit!!

Since then, I've been following your content and your podcast and so much of what you share has helped me beyond measure. 

I remember you sharing, early in our conversation, that some people are able to find deep meaning in their grief. I absolutely did not believe you!!

But today I just finished my first day of Abortion Doula training. ♡ Today I talked about my abortion openly. Today the healing shows.

I know we didn't work together on an official capacity, but I have sent (and will continue to send) people your way because I truly believe you are helping so many people. Myself included.

My hope is to lead writing workshops for people who have had abortions (when I'm done the training/ when the time is right) and start a book about my experience.

Again, I'm so grateful to you and your content. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

With love, Yoda

  • Writing circles- launching June 23, 2024

  • “I was drowning in these feelings that I kept trying to articulate to people”

  • “It’s all I wanted and …”

  • “I wanted to believe and I just couldn’t; I was a shell”

  • “Whoever was going to give me an abortion the quickest, that was the route I was gonna take”

  • “I don’t deserve to be supported through this”

  • “I don’t want kids; why is it so upsetting to see these moms with their kids?”

  • “The list of places I couldn’t go just got longer and longer until I was this little shriveled up version of myself”

  • “It made sense to me then I just couldn’t fin a way to articulate it to people I loved”

  • “Everyday I woke up feeling so grief stricken; the shame spiral just got deeper and wider and darker”

  • “It wasn’t until that moment that I saw that I was pregnant, that I was confronted with— all of that is a confronting reality; it’s not a theory anymore”

  • “I didn’t know it until I knew it”

  • “This life is not for me”

  • “Now I have no choice but to embody that knowing, that I will never be a mother”

  • “How do you grieve something that you don’t actually want? Why do you grieve something that you don’t actually want?

  • I didn’t think I was a person who could choose death in that way

  • Choosing me

  • The power of taking life really rocked me

  • Identity shift of using power in that way

  • Expanding in all the directions

  • My capacity to be human doesn’t just come from the nice stuff

  • “Maybe that’s for other people, but not for me”

  • “That’s great for them but it’s not for me… I’m not as deserving”

  • Relapse with drugs and alcohol- self-medicating

  • “I knew the kind of parent I would be”

  • “Children deserve to be born to parents who want them”

  • “I’m willing to sacrifice this pain I’m going to feel for the sake of this child”

  • “Oh this is actually a gift… this is a gift that I gave”

  • It’s a weird grief to have

  • “Different relationship with my own mother after my abortion”

  • “We are about to see the influx of children that are growing up to parents who didn’t want them, to women who were forced to have them”

  • “You can’t course correct that feeling of being unwanted by your parents”

  • “Today there were 1000 babies born who weren’t wanted… it’s gutting”

  • Numbing of our feelings

  • “There had been too many examples of people not giving me the response that I wanted”

  • “I felt like no one could hold my grief with me”

  • I understand your grief vs. I see your grief

  • “I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to someone who is a parent”

  • “Am I the only person whose ever had an abortion because I don’t want to be a mother”

  • Your experience is only yours

  • Saw 4 different therapists

  • “This resentment that I had… I was pissed off at the whole world”

  • “How is she gonna see where this grief is from” if she’s not like me

  • “The initial healing was very much a trickle instead of a stream”

  • “Being cracked open the way that I was”

  • “There’s very few other things in your life…”

  • What is that part of us that fights so hard to be different?

  • It’s okay of I don’t want any version of motherhood

  • “Cemented that fact that I had to accept about myself”

  • Abortion shows you what you haven’t embodied

  • “What is left to be healed?”

  • “It’s work that I’m willing to do now”

  • “When I saw you see me, I couldn’t even look at myself…”

  • Trusting oneself

  • If I trusted myself what next small step could I take?

  • “I trust the evolution of this work”

  • Even if the worst thing happens, that was a vision worth fighting for

  • If the vision is strong enough it will pull you back out of the pain

  • “It ends with me” a childfree life

  • “The only thing abortions aren’t is rare”

  • “As soon as that moment happened the floodgates opened”

  • Exhale text line

  • Wild Writing

  • “Get it into the safe space, which is the page”

  • “The thread os not abortion; the thread is love”

  • The Angsty Pod

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Extraordinary Ordinary Life After Abortion

Extraordinary Ordinary Life After Abortion

From Fear to Faith

From Fear to Faith