Exploring Soul Contracts
Melanie is an energy alchemist with a big heart and a mouth to match. She is passionate about cats, potato chips, and authentic human connection. She works alongside spirit to help people align with their true gifts, heal what is holding them back, and learn how to show up passionately to their own damn lives.
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Show Notes:
My story about learning about soul contracts before my abortion
What is alchemy?
What is an energy alchemist?
Transmute heavy into light
“What is heavy, what is dark, what is hard to carry, how do we turn that into gold?”
“We’re all capable of healing ourselves”
“I believe that souls choose their parents”
“Our kids choose us”
“The souls know what they’re signing up for, but they still want to give us whatever purpose, whatever healing, that they can in the time that we have together.”
…”not true for me… I know what’s right for me”
“When we make a decision that’s right for us we don’t have the guilt, the shame, the overthinking afterwards”
Bonded through stories of sexual abuse… “discovered this was not our first life together”
Baby #3 wants to come in, “I’m not open to that”
Soul contracts can be canceled
“We forget when were in these meatsacks, how hard it is to be here”
“Imagine if we gave ourselves permission to not have to do all the things”
Multiple contracts…low vibration… curses…
“As humans we always have free will”
“There are hundreds of ways to meander through a transition, for some reason humans choose the hardest one”
“What you choose doesn’t alter where you end up, it alters how you get there”
“There isn’t a right or wrong choice to be made, there are simply choices”
“You can’t mess it up”
Exploring religion and spirituality; don’t ask humans go right to the source
“Sometimes we need to hear the same message from a different person”
“When our bodies stop, it’s when we’ve learned everything we needed to learn in this lifetime”
“Until you accept what is”... “You’re not going to be able to release”
“You have to forgive yourself… give yourself grace”
“We always do the best that we can with where we are; there are not exceptions to that”
“Reconnect to your body”
Until you “express what you needed to express, the body will hole you stuck there”
“It’s okay to…”
Writing letters to the souls that came in
“Acceptance is giving yourself permission to not figure it out.”
“If you keep your eyes open, what is next is going to find its way to you, so follow that”
“Who says you're not supposed to be numb and dark and not have joy right now. Often times what keeps us stuck… the judgment we place on ourselves- where we are and where we think we should be”
“If you were supposed to be over it, you would be”
“There’s a gift that’s in there for you”
“Don’t avoid it, jump in”
Look for what’s interesting- not what’s positive.
Look for the value- vs. the positive.
The reel I mention “pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it” https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2fEymiitHn/?igsh=MW9vY25zNGRiNGFodQ==