You Have What You Need

You Have What You Need

Your life has led you to this point with everything you need to heal and thrive forward; you might just need some help seeing it in that way.

Show Notes:

  • Order What I Wish

  • You have what you need to face you challenges, you just might not be looking at it that way

  • Page 169:

    What I wish I had heard after my abortion:

    “You’ve been given the tools to face new challenges.”


    I can do hard things.

    I can have my own back.

    I can slow down.
    I can love myself in all the ways I’ve been craving from others.

    Savor these lessons.

    These are the tools that will land you the promotion

    help you find your life partner

    guide you to create new things. 

    What you’ve been looking for your whole life is already within—

    you were born with the ultimate all-in-one software. 

    Your mind is the most valuable thing you own,

    and no one can take that from you. 

    You are here.

    You are reading.

    You are whole.

    The world is at your fingertips.

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Failure is a Sham

Failure is a Sham

Telling Your Story

Telling Your Story