Intuition, Past Lives & Womb Work

Intuition, Past Lives & Womb Work

Colleen Lindberg, is a passionate speaker, trainer, facilitator, consultant, author and mentor. She shares her story of having had 3 abortions and the womb and energy work that later followed.

Learn more here:

Show Notes:

  • When it’s time to share more widely

  • 3 abortions in this lifetime

  • “They’re exes in my world for a reason”

  • “I know I made the right decisions for myself at that time”

  • “Best suited decisions for all the parties”

  • Intuition might not feel as such in the immediate moment

  • When souls are born into connected bodies

  • Believe what feels good to you

  • Soul contracts- missions in carnation

  • “What if that was exactly how it was meant to move”

  • “Emotional releasing… feeling unworthy”

  • “When we start to through it and look at it through a different lens we start to see different things”

  • “If I would have birthed the baby into this world I would have been stuck in the loop of codependency… it would have diminished my whole mission on earth”

  • “Here’s the lesson, what are ya gonna do?”

  • Conception as an invitation

  • When the souls are ready on the other side waiting for opportunity

  • Free will

  • Many paths to the same work

  • Uterus “Energetic portal to: divinity, spirit, God, consciousness”

  • Body trauma, stagnant energy, lingering energy

  • “Why is the unworthiness energy coming through the womb”

  • “We hold so much shame”

  • “I made the decision in a certain state of power, why am I allowing anything but that power to be held”

  • You can heal in power anytime

  • “I own this”

  • Yoni egg- obsidian (shadow work)

  • Past life work

  • “When you heal, you don’t just heal down, you also heal up… the energy dissipates through all the line”

  • “Through this experience a lot of us diminish our self-love”

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Abortion After Miscarriage

Abortion After Miscarriage

Still Going Strong and Proud

Still Going Strong and Proud