Communication Through Our Wombs

Communication Through Our Wombs

Irma Lorena is a Health and Life Coach, certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Sciences, and is also a certified Yoga instructor and personal trainer. Her mission is to serve, especially to help other women find inner peace, confidence, forgiveness, love, joy, and true body, mind, and spirit healing. She is also a mother, a wife, a speaker, and a writer.

Connect with her here:

Show Notes:

  • There’s no right or wrong way to tell your story.

  • “When my daughter was born it hit me and I needed to heal for her”... “it hit me when she was born… all the love I felt for her”

  • Losing the will to live

  • “It’s been really powerful and awakening in every part of my life”

  • “All my babies came for a reason and had a purpose and they completed their purpose. They wanted to communicate with me through my womb.”

  • “One AHA moment and keep doing the work after that”

  • “What takes long, is for you to decide to heal”

  • “I thought I was a bad mom.” “That I killed a baby.”

  • “I grew up in a country where abortion wasn’t legal.”

  • “I grew up in the Catholic church”

  • “I didn’t make the right choice because I was not with God”

  • “Kept doing what I was doing but in an extreme way… looking for the relief”

  • “My husband is the father of my four babies… I wanted to be with him but I also didn’t want to be with him”

  • “He has done a lot of inner work too… we are in a good place”

  • “I know so many people who’ve had abortions; they’re really good people”

  • “I’m pro-love, pro-women, pro-healing”

  • “Both choices can be made from love”

  • “Possibility that you’re a better mom because you had an abortion”

  • Stillbirth “everything we have gone through has made us closer… knowing that there is a light”

  • “I know that if I hadn’t had the abortion… knowing what I know now…”

  • “I felt my pain and I grieved… I knew healing was possible because I’d done it”

  • “I thought I was gonna die with my secret”

  • “I need to honor them”

  • What do you believe about your womb?

  • “It’s a war against yourself… there is not an enemy”

  • “I needed to believe it was a ball of cells… but it was not enough”

  • “Found the love that I have found after telling my story”

  • Catholics for Choice

  • “Being honest is hard but,... you feel light and feel free”

  • “I don’t need any approval from anyone”

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Connection, Community, and Friendship After Abortion

Connection, Community, and Friendship After Abortion

Intuitive Eating, Self-Trust, and Having Your Own Back

Intuitive Eating, Self-Trust, and Having Your Own Back