Two Abortions and the Whole and Complete Human Behind Them

Two Abortions and the Whole and Complete Human Behind Them

Victoria is a mom of one and has had two abortions. She shares the differences between her experiences and how she's healing through the grief that followed one of them.

Show Notes:

  • We’re people who’ve had abortions

  • The Abortion Diary

  • Abortion during a pandemic

  • April Fool’s Day positive pregnancy, Friday the 13th abortion day

  • Abortion in Massachusetts

  • Copper IUD - missed period - IUD in abdomen - abortion

  • Different emotional attachment to each pregnancy

  • “Too hard to think about either choice”

  • “Hearing it from his mouth was hard”

  • “I knew having an abortion was what I needed to do”

  • “I was mad at everybody and everything”

  • “I thought I would be okay”

  • “The amount of grief I felt for this second abortion was insane”

  • “I was confused: why do I feel this way? I chose this? This is the best decision…”

  • The center Victoria went to was a CPC- CPCs have a complicated reputation and I cannot personally recommend anyone trust a CPC. This does not discount Victoria’s experience. I support anything that helps anyone heal. 

  • Expose Fake Clinics-

  • No two abortions are the same, just like no two pregnancies or births are the same

  • Immediate post abortion check ins don’t catch all mental emotional turmoil

  • No set rules, no set formulas

  • Stories show us how many ways abortion can go

  • How Victoria knew it was time to get help: not as happy, dreading things, doing the bare minimum, grief and depression, irritable, picking fights, felt like I was drowning

  • We have to factor in the whole of people’s lives

  • What Victoria wishes she had said to herself: offer myself more room to grieve, not beat up on myself so much, “things get better”

  • “I contribute and give credit to my therapy more than time”

  • “It feels so good to talk. It feels so good to let it out.”

  • “This taught me. This is how grief is. Nothing is invalid.”

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Exploring abortion

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

2nd Abortion on the Day Roe was Overturned

2nd Abortion on the Day Roe was Overturned

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