Radical Acts of Resistance and Choosing Where to Use Your Precious Fucks

Radical Acts of Resistance and Choosing Where to Use Your Precious Fucks

Kristen King Life Coaching

Kristen King is a sweary life and business coach for womxn and femme folx who are sick and tired of having to be so freaking perfect all the time. She's on a mission to help 10,000 womxn fall in love with themselves and their lives in the next 5 years, and she's leading by example. Her specialties are perfectionism, people-pleasing, anxiety, overwhelm, and burning down the motherfucking patriarchy one reclaimed fuck at a time.

Find her online at facebook.com/kristenskoveking, instagram.com/kristenskoveking, and kristenking.com.

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

Exploring the Places Where Change Happens

Exploring the Places Where Change Happens

Adoption is Not "the" Answer

Adoption is Not "the" Answer