Imposter Syndrome and Reproductive Wellbeing

Imposter Syndrome and Reproductive Wellbeing

Master Coach Courtney Love Gavin is a Global Ambassador for Imposter Syndrome, Creator of the Imposter Syndrome Cure ™ and a neuroplasticity pioneer. Courtney candidly discusses the sneaky ways Imposter Syndrome shows up (perfectionism, people pleasing, overworking) and how to solve it at the source without using force.

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Show Notes:

  • Tiktok: @courtneylovegavin @amandastarkingsley 

  • 3:29 Courtney’s introduction

  • our girl gang” 

  • 6:36 “shame lives in the dark”

  • Imposter Syndrome as mothers who choose abortion

  • 10:15 “at the core when it comes to imposter syndrome there is this feeling of it not being safe”

  • 11:55 imposter syndrome is “internalized oppression”

  • 13:08 “you don’t want to have that adversarial relationship… you can try to self-hate your way to growth… I’m telling you it doesn’t work”

  • 14:30 “Hey, it’s okay that we feel this way, but also let’s solve it”

  • 15:14 “we are all light for each other”

  • 15:24 “Imposter syndrome is not something to be ashamed of, it’s not something you need to manage, and it is not something you need to accept; it’s something you have the power to change”  when we do “we create safety for each other”

  • 17:22 “you get to redefine what a definition of being a mother is”

  • “I’m an adversity alchemist” The Phoenix that rises

  • 18:26 “I’m really responsible. I made a tough decision that a lot of people don’t make.”

  • 19:18 “When I think of a mother… soft and loving, but also being fierce as fuck”

  • Moms have abortions.

  • I had an abortion because I’m a mom.

  • Abortion is how I parented that child.

  • Abortions are an opportunity for us to redefine what we’ve believed.

  • Puritanical & Patriarchal influence

  • Imposter feminist

  • 25:01 “I don’t go around and ask them, what are your thoughts on abortion; I don’t make myself wrong for that. I just decide that religion is a personal relationship that I have with a community”

  • 26:15 “It’s an opportunity to re-orient yourself with that relationship”

  • 26:48 “Hello you’re a human not a robot”

  • 27:34 “I’m having a very human moment, and that’s okay”

  • Mentioned reel You are not alone

  • Human Design “correct is what it correct for you”

  • 29:35 “It’s ok for me to feel this way… of course you feel alone because 100,000 people aren’t talking about it”

  • 31:15 “I’m an adult who lived through a childhood of abuse and sexual abuse”... “I really didn’t think that it was affecting me at all… I couldn’t even look at that…”

  • 32:29 “dissolving and evolving to be able to talk about that… it can be uncomfortable for some people when you are living in your truth”

  • If I look at it I’ll get stuck in it. I’ll drown. That’s the identity I’m running away from.

  • 37:19 “It made me so much more okay with myself… this can actually be really powerful”

  • 38:47 “Just because maybe you got to a place and you feel empowered by your abortion… it’s okay to have ups and downs” 

  • Building resilience

  • Portals

  • Wherever you are, be there with it. Take away the should.

  • Neuro-normalize

  • Intellectualizing vs. integrating

  • 43:22 “we can write affirmations until our fingers fall off”

  • I hate you and I love you… I’m going to make the space big enough to hold all of it.

  • Your tools remain a part of your identity

  • 52:08 “You could live here for the rest of your life but I don’t think you want to”

  • IG @courtneylovegavin  

  • Pretty Pretty Podcast

If you are one of the 1 in 4 who have had at least one abortion in your lifetime,
and you are not thriving the way you desire:

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