5 Mama Mindset Hacks for Summer Vacation
I don't know abut you all, but day one of summer vacation has me feeling all the feelings:
I wouldn't trade being home with my kids for anything! This is the life I dreamed of, but that doesn't mean it's all lollipops and unicorns. There's already more dishes, more laundry, more grocery shopping, and more mediating on the plate and it hasn't yet been a week.
I've GOT this! I know that the way through without completely losing my sanity, and while also building great memories. It is in my thoughts and in my WHY. Here are some examples:
Situation- Loud kids
Thing I know to be true- A loud childhood is usually the sign of a happy childhood.
WHY question (my WHY word is GROWTH)- Is this version of loud an opportunity for them to GROW? for me to GROW? for us both to GROW?
Situation- Dirty dish abandonment
Thing I know to be true- Dirty dishes are dirty dishes, they don't mean anything about who I am as a parent or who my child is as a person.
WHY question- Is GROWTH asking me to clean up after them, or call them to the scene of the crime? (it goes both ways; when I choose intentionally there's no resentment)
Situation- Balled up wet swim gear
Thing I know to be true- Summer swimming is summer memory making.
WHY question- What natural consequence will allow them to GROW and me to stay sane?
Situation- The treats obsession
Thing I know to be true- Treats are yummy! Really yummy. I want them all the time too.
WHY question- Can I parent my way through a reasonable amount of treats so we're both GROWING to honor our cravings and our health?
Situation- "Mom, Mom, Mom..."
Thing I know to be true- Kids are curious, and love sharing things and asking questions.
WHY question- How can I GROW with their curiosity and excitement?
Have one I didn't cover?
Send me a message and I'll walk you through.
We're in this together!
Believing in YOU,
For those who like to listen,
I read to you so you can multi-task:
laundry, driving, lunch, or just plain chilling...