Respect the Rest
This thing happens to me. I used to let it overwhelm me, now I look forward to what it will manifest into. I never know how long it will last and I can't always tell when it's coming, but it looks like this:
sleepy eyes
lack of productivity
I am a GO girl. I like action. I like checking things off to do lists. I like forward momentum. Apathy and lack of productivity are not my friends, but I've learned that they are part of my cycle. Now I get curiously excited when these waves come through, because something AMAZING always comes on the other side.
It's like a switch gets flipped when I come back to the light. My glow comes back, my ideas come back, my passion floods in, and if I'm being honest I feel like a whole new person. The birth of a new me.
In the thick of it, when I'm lying on the coach feeling lost, when I'm going to bed early, when I'm unimpressed with my life, I do wonder, "What if this time it sticks? What if I don't get my groove back?" But I know better by now. It happens every few months and I always get my groove back.
So I choose gentle, I remind myself that "this to shall pass." I forgive myself for the un-done things and choose faith. I imagine myself a caterpillar, ready to release new wings, and on the day I am "born" again, the most beautiful clarity comes flooding in. It carries me to the next transformation, and the cycle repeats. Growth, expansion, more GROWTH...
Here's how I do the work:
Thought (mid funk):
- "I've got nothing to contribute, no energy, no ideas... nothing."
Who does this thought belong to?
- Me!
What purpose does this thought serve?
- It reminds me to rest and have faith. I used to let it haunt me, but now I embrace it.
When am I ready to release this thought?
- The answer to this is never quite clear, except to say, when I'm ready for the next thought. However, I do always keep an awareness, "I will let it sit until it shifts, but if it starts to feel yucky instead of mysterious, I will take action."
Where do I need to put this thought next?
- Beside me. We're just gonna hang out for a while.
Why am I giving this thought power?
- Because it's my reminder to respect the rest.
How can my WHY and or purpose lead me to my next action?
-My WHY is GROWTH. GROWTH asks me to accept the process of my own evolution. GROWTH reminds me that sometimes we need a DEEP slowing down in order to fly. GROWTH respects the cycles.
This work is EVERYTHING.